Thursday, August 12, 2010


Kendra made her regular every third week trip to Franklin arriving early in the morning. Rory arrived in her Auburn dress and staked out her claim to the rocking chair.
Before she got sleepy and it got too hot, we went to the Parks & Recreation pool around the corner to cool off and let Rory enjoy the water. She wanted to show off her gymnastic skills balancing on Grandpa's hand. Grandpa did a little showing off too.
The water was cool and Rory had a good time splashing around with Grandma & Grandpa while Mom took the pictures.
Mid afternoon it was hot as an oven so we took a popsicle break. Rory picked a strawberry one sitting on the back steps.
Not to be left out, Xena came up and asked for one too, or rather indicated if we didn't give her some she would try to get Rory's. When the popsicle fell on the ground, Xena got her wish. Ummm, good.
After getting cleaned up we went back in to cool off and Rory sat down in the rocker to watch one of her favorite shows.
Grandpa said he'd give me some ice cream but he's eating it all himself. Make him give me some Grandma!

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