Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kendra and Rory's Visit 4/17-18/10

Kendra and Rory came for the weekend so Tami, Tony, Connor and Adam gathered here with us on Saturday. We treated ourselves to lunch at the Loveless Cafe, a great place to eat in Nashville, even if you have to wait over an hour to get in.
Sunday was also beautiful. We went to church and then Adam joined us for lunch at the house. Afterward we spent some time outside enjoying the weather
Rory was fascinated by the "whirlybirds" which were coming down in abundance--you know those flying seeds from the Maple trees. The only problem was Rory wanted to eat them.
Uncle Adam, stop her before she gets them in her mouth!
The other thing that caught her eye was Uncle Adam's motorcycle.
She wanted a test ride but shh... don't tell Dad she's practicing for the future.
Good thing Adam had the keys in his pocket.
There was a branch on one of the trees in the backyard that was crying for a swing to be hung on it so Uncle Adam obliged by hanging a rope from it. Bill and Adam then attached the child's swing we had brought from Kansas while Xena looked on.
The swing hung perfectly so now it waits patiently for Rory and Connor to use it. Rory did try it out and giggled and kicked her legs so I think she liked it. Unfortunately I didn't get a snapshot of that.

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