Friday, April 22, 2011

Bill's sisters, Quynh & Josephine visit 4/7-4/14/11

From the 7th to the 14th, we had the pleasure of having Bill's 2 sisters visit. We had a good time reminiscing, walking, eating, walking, visiting Kendra, walking. Did I mention that a lot of walking took place. Several mornings Quynh walked down to the Publix grocery and bought something for breakfast--that's 2 miles one way! The two of them did some heavy walking in the neighborhood.
Josephine was enamored with the trees in bloom and took lots of pictures of trees on her walks.
Tami and I watched as Quynh cooked. Needless to say we ate good while she was here
Adam as usual could always find something to fix.
The weather was good the whole time Jo and Quynh were here and we tried to take advantage of it as you see here.
All we needed was a picnic lunch. Tony drew the short straw and had to take the picture, ha. Usually I'm the one absent from the pictures. Connor likes to sit by "PAPA" and he's a great help if Bill needs someone to push the wheelchair.
Xena opted to be in the picture with Bill and sisters. And no Adam is not holding her down.
The Kien Family minus brother Philip (in Paris): Quynh, Josephine and Bill
What a rare treat, I get to be in 2 pictures!
Quynh spoiled Bill by pushing him in his wheelchair on our walk-- I make him do it himself. Big sister has to take care of her younger brother and she did a good job.
We took the sisters to Madison, AL to see Kendra and Rory one day and had lunch with them at their house. You might notice that Kendra is pregnant (very!). She is due May 3 which happens to be Rory's birthday.
Since it was so warm we went out to the backyard and played with Rory, or at least Quynh did.
Rory loved all the extra attention.
Bill misses all the attention too. He got lots of massages from Big Sister and therapy advice from Little Sister. We enjoyed their visit and hope they will visit again.